Esta propuesta se presenta en la I.E. Colegio Loyola para la ciencia y la Innovación de la ciudad de Medellín, va dirigida a los padres de familia de los alumnos de la institución, cuyo propósito es sensibilizarlos en las herramientas y recursos digitales utilizados por los estudiantes en su proceso de aprendizaje.

The Institucion educativa Colegio Loyola para la ciencia y la innovación, by means of his pedagogic based on the development of collaborative projects of learning in Science and Technology, chords to a few stages of learning rest on the TIC, it realizes the need that is had to involve the family parents in the learning process of his children, so that they could do to them a more nearby accompaniment in the achievement of his tasks.

Thanks to the support offered to Digital Medellin, The Asia Ignaciana and the School of the Teacher, the institution proposes to realize a digital sensitization to the parents, using as strategy the knowledge of the same pupils so that to teach them to his dads the use of virtual tools and resources used in the institution for the academic process.


Awareness of the tools and digital resources to parents, used by students in the teaching-learning process, so that they can make a better accompaniment to their children in this process, through virtual and face-to-face counseling.



1.       To make attendance counseling with the help of outstanding students and a teacher who accompanies the process.

2.        Continue using virtual consulting professor and project leader participating students.
3.       Designing materials to support awareness, with students participating in the project.
4.       Find a approach parent with the institution.

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