As a team we are proud of the opportunity we had last year to share with parents the knowledge about TIC and see how they have acquired  new skills to use digital tools, we feel satisfied  of  accompany them in the process where they have received so many lessons and experiences that enrich their and our being. For these and other reasons we want to continue this journey because on it we have got so many good results, we want to continue giving to parents knowledge about TIC skills.


We hope to continue with this work during this year as students who would be supportive for parents to improve their ICT skills, we want parents of new students to be more involved with the institution, to get more knowledge and learn about the experiences they have. We want to continue spreading this beautiful work.

As last year, our vision is to make five ordinary classes and five virtual classes. Our methodology will consist in:

1. The management of the Oracle platform Thinkquest

2. Creating and editing documents in Microsoft Office Word

3. Gmail email and all the features it offers

4. The social network Facebook

 5. Using Webnode as personal page


For this year we hope to further strengthen these skills with parents who continue the process and study topics such as:

·         Creation of discussions and projects on the Oracle platform Thinkquest

·         Microsoft Office Power Point

·         Microsoft Office Excel

·         Photo Editing Tools